In my life time as a JW, I have found, inequitable, ALL the self righteous ones... were hiding something. That is why they needed to be "seen" as more so called "spiritual" than others.
How well do you know your wife and in laws?
i wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has posted here as i have been reading all of them.
i have realized that i am not alone in my struggles and the realization that the " truth" is a bunch of crap.
i have been over come with emotion over the last years or so.
In my life time as a JW, I have found, inequitable, ALL the self righteous ones... were hiding something. That is why they needed to be "seen" as more so called "spiritual" than others.
How well do you know your wife and in laws?
a circuit overseer or a member of the gibbering body is giving a talk about demonism and he says the following, "there was an elder in a congregation in california who let his 8-year-old daughter watch disney movies that involved witches, gremlins, magic, and sorcery.
many may feel that they are harmless movies and are just entertainment.
well, the 8-year-old daughter actually brought a blue smurf doll to the public talk and watchtower study.
Back when the whole smurf thing came out, we had some water glasses with their image stamped on them. We got them at McDonald's with a child's meal. No biggie to us.
But, our CO and wife stayed with us. They were horrified. Don't you know... ??? so we threw them in the trash.
What she said didn't make any sense to us but it was a contentious point with no room for debate.
i wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has posted here as i have been reading all of them.
i have realized that i am not alone in my struggles and the realization that the " truth" is a bunch of crap.
i have been over come with emotion over the last years or so.
I am sorry you are having a tough time.
You have posted that your little ones are 6, 9, and 11 and that your wife is from a very judgemental family but yet they are very spiritual.
Are you sure your not the nice guy that married a bit+h but you are too kind hearted to want to acknowledge it? Do you need to save your children from your wife and her family and the religion too? That is a lot to handle for sure.
My elder husband who everyone thought was so spiritual tried to kill me several times. I thought...No. He didn't mean that... And let it pass away from my mind. I know how loveable I am ... so of course he didn't calculate and plan it. It was so confusing. My mind wouldn't, couldn't accept it.
For the sake of your little ones... who need to be in a healthy environment, they need to be in after school activities. They need to be around normal people.
If you ask me as a born in too, like you, what would I start changing with children? Do not allow them to go to meetings during the week. They need sports, do their homework, play, eat and sleep yes, even down time to rest and think. Chores? Sure. Animal care? Sure. Help them to be normal.
No door to door to strangers with a little suit, a big plastered on happy smile, with humiliating dumbed down religious trash. Children need to learn personal boundaries. Religion is one of them.
How are children to learn Stranger - Danger? when their parents take them around strangers all of the time?
How many child abusers do you have in your Hall? Do you know? Of course you don't!
My home congo was filled with sick ooze. Pedophiles, adultery... And who by??? The leaders in the Hall. Some were like sleepers, but others were the ones in leadership positions and pioneers, raising their self-righteous hands and looking down at others. "They were white washed graves... ".
I am sorry. I do not mean to be harsh. I also don't recall if you are an elder... which your wife certainally would not want her "position" as an elder's wife taken away from her.
You are in a tough spot. I feel for you. Keep reading. Keep posting. This is our Worldwide Brotherhood Therapy Class.
aretha franklin has died after a long bout with pancreatic cancer.
at age 76 .
she's my wife's all time favorite female vocalist.
The end of an era.
i was thinking of how little i know about my father’s side of the family.
i recently inquired about and i’ve come to the realization that even the closest sides of my family via my father, are unknown to me .
what a shame that jehovah’s witnesses kept us apart.
@Caves, Thank you for your heart felt sharing. So sorry for your dad's so brief time with you.
By chance, have you done your DNA test yet? It is not that expensive to get started. You will find lots of people who are related to you.
Have you put your aunt's maiden name into your search bar? Do you know where she used to go to school, she could be on an alumni list on FB. Do you know where she grew up? She again could be on a home town group on FB.
I can't open my PM's so I cannot answer them either.
Start a new topic.
Give a thumbs up.
I have had my green unopened envelope staring at me for a long time but I have no idea who sent me a message. Sorry whoever you are.
Mine says: Safari cannot open this page.
this is bigger than christmas and birthdays wrap into one.
thanks to the australian royal commission our youngest son has woke up.
we received a e-mail from him tonight where he apologized to us for shunning us all these years, how bad he felt for doing this.
WOW!!! What absolutely thrilling news! So happy for the whole family!
2016 hong kong branch meeting [1 of 9].
2016 hong kong branch meeting [2 of 9].
Awww.... How do the Elders know he had a sex reversal operation???
Did they ask him to show them the "goods"?
OMG This is just too much information to talk about in a room full of religious nutters who hate gays.
Does anyone think he will really be accepted now... as just one of the guys in The Official Men's Elder Club??? I don't think so.
hello, can someone let me know why i don't see the dates of the posts anymore?.
Hi Simon,
My private message tab doesn't work. When I hit the green box... It opens only to say "Safari can't open page".
I have had a PM there since last Saturday.
I know you are busy, but when you have time, would you please see if it can be fixed?
Thank you so much.
PS Sorrry to ask on this person's OP but I have not been able to start my own topic for almost 2 years.
PSS Would it also be possible to fix whatever it is that needs fixing so that I can personally respond to PM's? I haven't been able to respond to private messages for over a year.
Thank you Simon. I really appreciate you looking into this.
a complete scandal is the reassignment to nothing of the thousands (?
) of bethelites, over age cos etc, .
out on the street atfter decades of unpaid service in very many cases.
There were some higher ups (Bethelites, CO, DO, SP, missionaries) that believed it all. Yes, some were in for so called glory. But the true, deluded, naive brother or sister that slaved for what they thought was a worth while goal... When they get kicked out and or wake up, those are the ones I feel bad about.
Are they lurking here? Are they PIMO now? Do they see that the GB pimped them out, then when they got too old and became a liability because of age or illness, GB discarded them like pimps who can't make money off of the backs of their workers anymore.
To wake up in old age and to realize you have been scammed badly, is very hard to take.
Ask me.